Monday, March 19, 2012

Goodbye, Cruel World

Shari - you totally need to get these.

You guys, I really think this winter is going to kill me. Or at least that Old Man Winter is trying to.

In case I haven't convinced you that I am a complete freak of nature - remember how I apparently have synesthesia? Yeah, 'nother story like that. But not nearly as pleasant.

Again, coming from the I-thought-everybody-was-like-this-until-Luke-gave-me-weird-looks file, sometimes when I get sick my skin gets super-hypersensitive. Like, ridiculously so. Like, enormously sensory overloaded so. It's really hard to describe, so bear with me, m'kay?

Anyway, you know how you can feel you clothes against your skin? (please, save the DUH! moments for the end) But it's such a normal and constant sensation that your brain just tunes it out? When I get sick it's like my brain can't do that. Everything I touch sends this woosh of sensory info to my brain. Every time I shift my weight I feel my clothes brushing against me - every inch of my shirt against every inch of my back. It's a really weird tingling feeling . . . the most bizarre combination of pleasant/painful I've ever encountered. On one level it's a slight tickle that might make one relax a little . . . on the other there's so much of it that my brain just can't handle it and it starts registering it as painful instead.

Clearly, I belong in a circus.

Anyway. I have never gotten that hypersensitivity without some sort of accompanying illness, usually a stomach flu or something for a day or two. The two always, always go together.

Until yesterday, when I woke up with super sensitive skin and kind of achy all over. And other than that . . . nothing. And today . . . still sensitive but otherwise nothing.

I? Have no idea what's going on. It's confusing and kind of obnoxious. And because I can think of no other culprit, I'm totally blaming the fact that it was gloomy yesterday and snowed last night after a whole week of lovely spring-like conditions. Dude, I was going around without a jacket last week and today I needed my coat! We all know what an old lady I am mentally, apparently my body has just decided to catch up or something. Blargh.

So anyway - if you happen to see me somewhere around this week and it looks like I'm walking around in a daze just know that my clothes are still too . . . I don't know, heavy? present? . . . for me to register much else. Work this week is going to be interesting.

P. ost S. cript
Honestly, I've lost count of how many times I've watched this since it showed up on facebook. It's just that awesome. Also: do frogs have teeth? (file under: burning questions you didn't know you wanted to know)


  1. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one. :-)

  2. I LOVE the outfits :) A friend of mine saw online the other day onsies that said 'made with a little bit of science and a lot of love' :) I love kids clothes :)
    I'll admit, I've never felt the 'heaviness of clothes', but it sounds REALLY uncomfortable..... I'm really sorry you have to deal with that.... :(
    LOVE the video! I've never seen it before and it brought joy to the 2am feeding I was headed in to start :)

    1. I love that you get online to psych yourself up for 2am feedings. :-) I'm so stealing that.

  3. I think it's your body's rebellion to the strange weather. "I just want to be a nudist dangit! This crazy weather won't let me!" or something to that effect. So sorry. I get the can't stand my skin/clothes when I'm feverish. You're not the only one but it still sucks. Love you!

    1. I feel like I've been complaining about it since the beginning of time, but it really has been insane this winter! That's got to be it.

  4. I think it's something going around cause I felt like that Sunday and Monday. Was sure that I had a fever or the flu but nothing showed up but the sensitivity-achy bit and a headache. Feeling better today though. Maybe it was something in the onion rings and beehive!

    1. Lol, when all else fails blame the randomly root beer infused fry sauce, right? :-)
